Many green websites provide recommendations for one, ten or maybe a thousand products.   However, the American consumer must make hundreds of consumption choices a year.  Currently, most consumers consider at most whether the product is well reviewed and whether the price is in their budget.  More concerned consumers, may try to investigate a products impact on the environment, how it was manufactured, or whether there are greener alternatives.  In most cases, making an educated, green decision is challenging at best.

Greentodew will provide a platform for crowdsourcing green product reviews.  Similar to yelp, but with an environmental twist — each product, invention or process will be reviewed from multiple perspectives by multiple users.

Green scores will be calculated based on multiple factors.  Reviewer scores will be normalized when possible.  Rater reliability will be determined for the reviewers who have scored a sufficient number of items.

Our first step is setup up a crowdsourcing database that can help us accumulate the information we need to rate multiple products.

Here we go!